Good Times

Life as a Rat

Friday, September 26, 2008

My dear friend,

Life as you know it is about to change, you have no idea what fantastic life altering stomach lurching experiences are in store for you; so my advice is to come prepared. What will shock you the most about Rhodes is the abundance of alcohol, and the incest that cannot be avoided by the end of O-Week.

Balancing friends, your boyfriend and work is going to be one of the most difficult things you will have to do, don’t worry, practice makes perfect. You are going to meet the most beautiful people, don’t be afraid to open yourself up to them. Let yourself go, be free, be a first year! Go out with your friends, get rip roaring drunk, but make sure you come home to your own room. Have a bucket next to your bed, a bottle of water and intense painkillers for the morning. This is when you will experience something known as “losers”, when you have these occasional nights out don’t worry chances are no one will remember. Make sure you find time for your friends; they are going to be the people you are going to spend the next three years with (hopefully).
The most important advice I can give you is DO NOT get drunk when you are emotional, rather watch dirty dancing and cry your eyes out!

Things to Remember:
1. Cane Trian-R25.00 at the Union
2. Digs formals: dressing up like a stereotypical slut and having to lose some dignity
3. Look after yourself; you are young but not invincible.
4. Avoid having naps (when you sleep in a boy’s room) in o-week, first impression last.

You are starting a new chapter in your life; now is the time to go wild!


Kate x x x