Good Times

Cruiser's Lac: taking the trip without trippin': What is all the fuss about????

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cruiser's Lac: taking the trip without trippin': What is all the fuss about????

I felt that the arguments you made in your opinion piece held little strength, as you do not have the authority to make the assumptions you do, such as "I do not know why alcohol consumption has become such an issue". Your argument has no authority in truth as your beliefs are based on your own personal experiences, which is one of a balanced student, which is a lucky position you find yourself in. The truth is that the majority of party-goers at Rhodes do become the "stereotypical" drunk; you have only seemed to hear about and not experience. I personally know students who have fallen into the trap of seeing their own social time more important than their academic time. As a point of reference, a Thursday morning at Rhodes University is like a ghost town in which the students are too busy sleeping the last night off instead of coming to lectures. This is an embarrassing fact about studying at Rhodes. I also cannot agree with your assumptions about peer pressure as once again you do not have the authority to make such claims, "I never felt the pressure from any others to drink" You might not have but a lot more students than you have felt this pressure and sometimes it is impossible to say no. You cannot base your experience on such a general issue, your argument needs input from thousands of students and not just one biased opinion.