Good Times

I am a woman, not a baby seal

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Learn the term “seal clubbing” well during o-week because you will need to arm yourself. Although seal clubbing is generally associated with older guys and first year girls it is not all limited to that stereotype. Gay, straight, bi, male or female, just like AIDS, you are at risk.
In case you skipped the first year dictionary generously provided by this blog “seal clubbing” is the term used to describe an older student getting an innocent first year to sleep with them. There are many weapons used in this blood sport including the deceiving “punch” and the disarming tequila. These weapons combined with a charming smile and a friendly offer to show you around town have infiltrated many a first year. It may seem too obvious and something that you would never fall for but remember that is still around because it works. As a first year, especially during that first term, you are trying to make friends with as many people as possible and are feeling liberated from all parental control. When you’re feeling insecure, scared and unsure of yourself you are basically an open invitation to anyone with a half decent haircut and some knowledge of your new home.
I am certainly not a prude who advocates sex only after marriage (yes, I do realise that I just used the word “prude” and no I’m not over the age of fifty). I am what my friend Jordan refers to as a “whatever-ist” meaning that I believe that you should do whatever makes you happy. If a good shag with a quick escape in the morning is your idea of a stress reliever then go for it. I’m just warning those of you who are innocent to the ways of guilt-free sex to know what you are getting yourself into. Guilt free sex means that he will not call you in the morning. At University sex does not mean anything unless otherwise stipulated when sober.
Consider this post a quick warning just in case you find yourself wondering why the number that nice guy at the Rat and Parrot gave you is one digit short.